Scouting Pictures

Scouting Pictures
Re-orientation Course for SM/GC

Thursday 11 April 2013

Guidelines for Filling up Rastrapati Award Scout / Guide Reg. Form

The Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters
Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, M.G.Marg, I.P.Estate, New Delhi – 110 002

All the State Secretaries
State Associations of
The Bharat Scouts & Guides

            ROVERS &  RANGERS - 2013-2014……REG.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Applications for Registration for the Award of Rashtrapati Scout/ Guide/ Rover/ Ranger Badge are invited from the eligible candidates who fulfill the requirements as given for Rashtrapati Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Award in APRO Part-II and III for respective Sections. All the candidates as well as the District Associations are strictly advised to check  the application forms thoroughly  before forwarding them to the State Headquarters as well as State Headquarters are also advised to check them before forwarding to the National Headquarters to avoid disappointment of rejections of the forms at the last moment.

While forwarding the applications, please ensure the following:-

  1. A Unit must have charter number (Registration Number) and up to date renewal.
  2. A Unit Leader must be minimum Advanced Trained and having valid Warrant.
  3. No Unit leader is eligible to recommend more than 25% of the members of his/her unit (24/32) for the Award. (Maximum 6 to 8 Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger as the case may be).
  4. Date of Birth should be supported by a certificate issued by the Head of Institution where the applicant is studying, in case the candidate has appeared for Board examination, photocopy of the Board certificate duly attested should be attached.
  5. The Date of investiture on the Registration form and the information Sheet should be the same; if the dates differ the application will be rejected automatically.
  6. The Dates of completion of Pravesh, Pratham Sopan, Dwitiya Sopan, Tritiya Sopan and Rajya Puraskar should be as per the progressive advancement provided in APRO Part II /III for Scouts & Guides and Pravesh, Praveen, Nipun in case of Rovers and Rangers. Candidates attending Prospective Rashtrapati Award Testing Camp should produce Progress Test Card from the date of joining the Unit at the time of registration and when demanded by an Examiner during the Testing camp.
  7. The Date of completion of Rajyapuraskar/Nipun will be last day of the testing camp conducted by the State i. e. the date on which the state declares the candidate eligible for Rajya Puraskar/Nipun Award.
  8. The Proficiency Badges should be completed within the Stage during which the Scout/ Guide/Rover/Ranger work for attaining the next higher stage. All Proficiency Badges must be tested by the Independent Badge Examiner appointed by the Badge Committee (District/ Local Association) and required details be given in the information sheet. (Unit Leader is not eligible to be the Independent Badge Examiner of the same Unit). Information Sheet will have to be completed and attached in duplicate with the registration/applications forms. Certificates of the Independent Badge Examiners should be countersigned by the concerned District Commissioners and to be produced by the candidates in the testing camps.
  9. Tritiya Sopan Testing/Praveen Testing should be conducted at District Level.
  10. The Proficiency Badges of Rajya Puraskar level is to be completed after Tritiya Sopan.
  11. Rajya Puraskar Testing/ Nipun Testing Camp must be conducted at the State Level and qualified Scouts/Guides, Rovers/Rangers be awarded Rajya Puraskar/Nipun Award Certificate by the respective States. A copy of the Rajya Puraskar Certificate or if not yet awarded, a provisional  Certificate should be enclosed.
  12. The requirements for Rashtrapati Award such as Camping, Ambulance (man) Badge, Service Project, Hike and CD project, Badge Instructors / Teaching Games are to be completed after completion of Rajya Puraskar.
  13. A Unit Leader producing Rashtrapati Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Award must also work for Prime Minister Shield/Upa-Rashtrapati Rover/ Ranger Award Scheme. We are linking the 36 Hours sustained service (spread over 2 months) provision in the syllabus relevant to the provisions of Community Service Project and Community Development Project in Prime Minister  Shield and Upa- Rashtrapati Award Scheme.
  14. The duration of Project undertaken i.e. Hike, CD Project should be as per APRO Part II/III. The CD Project should be spread over at least in a period of six months.
  15. Application forms for registration of the Rashtrapati Award Testing Camp have been made as per syllabus. All applications will be accepted in the prescribed forms and in duplicate only i.e. 02 sets each of Registration/Application Form and Information Sheet with  the list mentioning – 1. Serial Number, 2. Application form number, 3. Name of Candidate, 4. Father’s Name, 5. Date of Birth, 6. Date of Rajya Puraskar/Nipun (Enclosed Certificate), 7. Name of the Unit, 8. District.
  16. Registration/Application forms are available for sale in the Supply Service Department of National Headquarters.
  17. Skills up to the Tritiya Sopan/Praveen, Rajya Puraskar and Nipun Test will also be tested in the Prospective Rashtrapati Award Testing Camps.
  18. Rovers/ Rangers of the same unit must select different subject on “World Affairs” and submit a report to Crew / Team Council.
  19. All Prospective Rashtrapati Award Testing Camps will be held at Regional Level. The name of Testing Centres is already circulated vide NHQ Circular No. 60/07 dated 24.07.2007. No Testing camp will be conducted in the building. The Prospective Rashtrapati Testing Camps will be held in open ground with camping under canvas at the well-established Training Centres only.
  20. Last date of receiving application at National Headquarters is 31st July 2013. Applications received after 31st July 2013 will be considered for the year 2014. No extension will be given.                  

            The applications in prescribed Registration Form together with Information Sheet each in duplicate may be sent by the States to the National Headquarters, Bharat Scouts & Guides, New Delhi as and when received in their State Headquarters, without waiting for all the applications to be collected and sent in one lot.

             Thanking you with regards,

Yours Sincerely,

(Rakesh Kumar Sharma)
Officiating Director

Encl: Guidelines.

 Copy to:
            1. All the Office Bearers of the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters.
            2. All the members of National Executive & Finance Committee, BS&G.
            3. All Dy. Directors/ Assistant Directors, BS&G, NHQ/ Regional Hqrs./ NTC/NAI.
            4. All ROC (S/G), NHQ/ Regional Hqrs./ NTC.

The Bharat Scouts And Guides, National Headquarters,
Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002.


          The President of the Indian Union has been graciously pleased to authorize the issue of a special certificate to a Scout/ Guide/ Rover/ Ranger who earns the Rashtrapati Badge.

The President of India on the advice of the National Commissioner presents the Rashtrapati Award Certificates at a formal Ceremony.


The States have been given the privilege and responsibility in the advancement of Scouts and Guides up to Rajya Puraskar level and up to Nipun Level for Rovers and Rangers. Beyond the stage as per unanimous recommendation of the Sandhan and the decision of the National Executive Committee, the National Headquarters should arrange for testing camps of prospective Rashtrapati Scout/ Guide/ Rover/ Ranger.

The Testing Camps will be held separately for Scout/ Guide wings of the Movement. The National Commissioner who is the final authority to grant Rashtrapati Award shall issue time to time suitable directives in respect of badges; tests etc. and ensure the standard.

National Headquarters conducts the tests of Rashtrapati Award at Regional level through Regional Headquarters on behalf of National Commissioner as an on going process. All Testing Camps will be at Regional Level only.

The Dy. Director (Boy / Girl Programme) are responsible for their respective wings. Testing Camps to be conducted by the Regional Organizing Commissioners with the help of a panel of Examiners under the guidelines of the Jt. Directors of the respective wings.


A Rajya Puraskar Scout/ Guide is eligible for Testing Camp on completion of 14 years and completed 12 month service as Rajy Puraskar Scout /Guide.

            A Rajya Puraskar Scout/ Guide is eligible to become a Rashtrapati Scout / Guide up to the age of 17 years provided he/she subscribes to the Scout/Guide Promise and Law and becomes a member of a Scout Troop/Guide Company. If a Scout / Guide continue to be in the school, he / she will be allowed to appear in the Rashtrapati Award Testing Camp until he/ she is 18 years of age. Age will be counted on the date of receipt of application at NHQ.

            A Nipun Rover/Ranger is eligible to qualify for the Rashtrapati Award on completion of 19 years of age and after serving at least one year as Nipun Rover/Ranger, Nipun Testing Camp will be conducted by the State Headquarters of the respective States.

            A Rover/Ranger who has completed 25 years of age will not be eligible for Rashtrapati Rover/ Ranger Award. The State Chief Commissioner can extend the age limit for 3 years provided, special permission is allowed in time (before completion of 25 years of age- ref- APRO Part II Chapter (III) Rule 1 – (b).
Note: - If a Rover/Ranger has under gone any Adult Leader Training, he/she will not be eligible to apply for Rashtrapati Award.


            The Scout Master/Guide Captain/Rover Scout Leader/Ranger Leader at least advanced trained as the case may be, shall inform the National Headquarters through proper channel on a prescribed registration form available from the State Headquarters that the Rajya Puraskar Scout/Guide or Nipun Rover/Ranger, as the case may be, has completed the requirement of Rashtrapati Award. A Unit Leader can registered only 25% of member of his/her Unit.

The Scout/ Guide/ Rover/ Ranger, shall record his/ her attainments for Rashtrapati Award on the said form and along with information sheet and submit the same to the National Headquarters through proper channel. This may be prepared in quadruplicate and the first two copies be sent to the Director retaining the 3rd copy at the State Headquarters. This should be an ongoing practice for all Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger. Last date receiving the application at for National Headquarters for Rashtrapati Award will be 31st July for that year. No extension on Last Date will be allowed.

The Dy. Director (Boy/ Girl Programme) concerned will register the name, forward the second copy to the concerned Assistant Director along with list of the participants who are not eligible for his/ her record and follow up. Only eligible candidates will be invited for the Testing Camp organized by the concerned Assistant Director. The Assistant Directors will send the list of eligible candidates to attend each testing camp as recommended by concerned Deputy Directors.


The choice of Dates and Venue are left to the Regional Headquarters in consultation with the respective host States provided the Training Centre where Testing is to be conducted. The list of Regional Testing Camp centers will be announced by NHQ from time to time. In no case the number of participants shall exceed 200. The ideal size for Testing Camp would be 150. States should confirm their participation 15 days prior to the start of the Testing Camp to the Regional Headquarters and National Headquarters.

Judging at Regional Level - A panel of examiners will be formed by National Headquarters in consultation with the Regional Headquarters, comprising Leader Trainers, Assistant Leader Trainers, Senior HWB Holders of the concerned section only. State Organizing Commissioners of the States may visit the Testing Camps. The SOC’s of Host Sate may coordinate the arrangements of the camp. The Regional Organizing Commissioner/ Assistant Director will be Leader and accountable for conducting, organizing and finalizing the result of the Testing Camp.


  • To invite Staff Sufficient in number as per expected number of participants.
  • Organizing the Testing Camp smoothly.
  • Arranging all the materials needed with the help of Host State.
  • Ensuring registration of Candidates.
  • To ensure Testing as per base system, Guidelines and questionnaires must be followed as a model. If the Leader thinks necessary other questions may be added.
  • To ensure standard and impartiality in the Testing.
  • To arrange effective and standardize workshop to help the candidates to reappear in the base only for skill subjects.
  • The Leader should ensure that he works as examiner in at least one base.
  • To ensure that the score sheet and result sheet are prepared as per the guidelines.  All the Base score sheets will be signed by the base in charge and leader of Testing camp.
  • The Final Score Sheet should be prepared in the presence of all the examiners and their signature are obtained on the final score sheet with their undertaking “The   above            results were prepared in our presence on _______(date) at ____________           _____________(Venue) as per the guidelines issued by the National Headquarters. He/She will be fully responsible for organizing, conducting and submitting result to the NHQ.


a) Proficiency Badge Certificates from authorized Examiners appointed by Local Association/District Association.
b)   Age Proof- Certificate issued by the Head of Institution where the applicant is studying, in case the candidate has appeared for Board examination, photocopy of the Board certificate duly attested should be submitted.
c).  Individual Logbook and Progress Card indicating progress in badges and   other             subjects.
d).             Materials related to the proficiency Badges/ Skills in which Testing will be done                                            at the Testing Camp.
e). One latest Passport Size Photo in Uniform.


There will be a Chief Examiner among the senior and experienced examiners. Chief Examiner will assist the Leader by conducting impartiality testing as per Guidelines and Questionnaire.


A Workshop will be organized with the help of Staff/ Unit Leaders by making them perfect in all respect to help the candidates to reappear in the base. Before sending the candidates to workshop, examiner will put signature in the workshop column in the Test Card and Workshop In charge will also countersign in the same column after the candidates attend the workshop. Every candidate is eligible to attend workshop in maximum any three skill based subject only.


            The minimum – qualifying standard for recommendation of Rashtrapati Award in Testing will be 80% in each subject in Pravesh and 60% in each subject other than Pravesh for Scout & Guide section for Rover and Ranger Section the qualifying marks will be 60 % in Pravesh and all other subjects

§         Each subject is given marks out of 10 only.
§         The National Headquarters will announce the results of the Testing camps after     verifying records and Documents of the Testing Camp and the recommendations from the respective Regional Headquarters and completion of all the testing camps for the Year.


   All the candidates are expected to be in correct and complete uniform as per APRO Part- II / III at the time of registration in the camp.

            It is obligatory for all registered candidates to bring with them Individual Progress Card, Log book preferably in English or Hindi, but there is no bar in preparing Log Books in regional Language, Certificates, Reports and Materials related to testing of Proficiency Badges/ Skills while coming to Testing Camp.
            Testing Camp will be for 05 days and residential in nature. Candidates will not be allowed to leave during the camp.

            For the purpose of Testing, generally, the base method will be followed the test will include written, Oral and practical tests. The Chief Examiner will depute examiners in consultation with the leader.

The Leader of the camp will announce the Daily Routine.

·     The Base Score Sheet shall be signed by the Examiners and Countersigned by the leader and the decision of the examiners will be final.
·     The final Score Sheet will be prepared by the Leader with the signature of all the examiners on the last day of the testing camp.
·     Development fee @ RS. 50/- per head will be collected from Scouts/ Guides/ Rovers/ Rangers and @ Rs.100/- per head from Adult Leaders.
·     Special Fee @ Rs. 30/- per head will be collected from Scouts/ Guides/ Rovers/ Rangers and Adult Leaders.

No. T.E. will be paid to participants. NHQ will provide free hospitality during the camp. The Regional Level Testing Camp will be conducted only in well equipped Training Centre and not in Schools or Permanent Buildings.

·        The Host States should ensure all the physical arrangements such as Testing Equipments, place for various Test bases, proper seating arrangements, sanitation, electricity and water facility. They should also provide proper kitchen with all necessary equipments. Food will not be given on contract basis.
·        The National Headquarters will pay 50% Development fee to the host State to meet the expenses for physical facilities such as accommodation arrangements, water, electricity, cooking utensils and sanitations etc and providing testing materials. The State will issue receipt for accommodation, water, electricity and other Physical arrangements for the amount received by the State. Escorts will be admitted in the Camp in the ratio 1:10 only.
·        No candidate will be allowed to attend the Testing Camp for second time in the   same year without the prior approval from National Headquarters.
·        The Medium of Test will be in Hindi or English. However, the candidates who prefer             to take oral test in Regional Language will be allowed if so desired. The States may help to provide translators/ bi lingual supports for the same