Scouting Pictures

Scouting Pictures
Re-orientation Course for SM/GC

Thursday 1 May 2014

Application for Tritiya Sopan Test

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan State Bharat Scouts & Guides
(Application for TRITIYA SOPAN TESTING CAMP -2014)
(Fill in duplicate)
   (Photo in S/G 
    attested by
     the Principal
01. Name of the Division                      -……………………………………….
02. Name of the District                      -……………………………………….
03. Name of the Vidyalaya                  -……………………………………….
04. Name of the Group                          -……………………………………….
05. Registration No. of the Group     -……………………………………….
06. Name of the Scout / Guide             -……………………………………….
07. Father’s Name                                 -……………………………………….
08. Mother’s Name                                -.....................................................
09. Date  of Birth                                  -……………………………………….                     
10. Date of Joining the Unit                -……………………………………….
11. Date of Passing Pravesh                -……………………………………….
12. Date of Investiture                                    -……………………………………….                     
        13.Date of Passing Pratham Sopan    -……………………………………….
      14. Date of passing Dwitiya Sopan     -……………………………………….
      Date of C.O.H Resolution recommendation- …………………………………………
Signature of the Father/ Guardian                                Signature of Scout / Guide
      Dated:                                                                              Dated:

Recommended the Scout / Guide (name) -----------------------------------------------------------for  TRITIYA SOPAN TEST -2014.

      Signature of the Scout Master/ Guide Captain
      Name of the Scout Master/Guide Captain--------------------------------------------------------
      Warrant No. ------------------------------------------------------------Valid upto-------------------
      Recommended the Scout / Guide (name) -----------------------------------------------------------
      for TRITIYA SOPAN TEST -2014.

      Dated:                                                                                                    District Commissioner (S/G)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan State Bharat Scouts & Guides
(Information Sheet to be filled in duplicate)
(Please fill up the details carefully, over-writing will not be accepted)

01. Name of the Division                          -
02. Name of the District                            -
03. Name of the Vidyalaya                                   -
04. Name of the Group                              -
05. Registration No. of the Group              -
06. Name of the Scout / Guide                  -
07. Father’s Name                                     -
08. Mother’s Name                                                -
09. Date of Birth                                        -
10. Date of Joining the Unit                                   -
11. Date of passing Pravesh                                   -
12. Date of Investiture                               -                                                          
      13. Date of Passing Pratham Sopan                       -
      14. Date of passing Dwitiya Sopan                        -

Details of the work done
Pratham Sopan
i)                    Work done under sl. no. 12 / 11 of APRO II / III

ii)                  Sl.No. 13 / 12 of APRO II / III ( any two)

a)      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b)      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dwitiya Sopan
i)                    Proficiency Badge as per Sl. No. 10 / 12 of APRO II / III

Name of the Badge
Date of passing
Examiner’s name, rank,designation & address

   ii)              Details of patrol sustained activity done for a month as per Sl. No. 11 / 09 of APRO II / III


ii)                   Details of any two activities done as per Sl. No. 12 / 13 of APRO II / III

a)          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b)          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tritiya Sopan
      i)            Swimming or Proficiency Badge as per Sl. No. 02 of APRO II / III
Name of the Badge
Date of passing
Examiner’s name, rank,designation & address

iii)                Details of Hike undertaken as per Sl. No. 08 of APRO II / III

Nature of Hike
Date of Hike
Report submitted on


      iii)       Details of Proficiency Badges done under Sl. No. 13 of APRO II / III

Name of the Badge
Date of passing
Examiner’s name, designation & address


iv)                Details of (any one) activity done as per Sl. No. 14 of APRO II / III


Date of COH Resolution Recommendation………………………………………

      Signature of the Scout Master / Guide Captain                               Signature of Scout / Guide
      Qualification in Scouting/Guiding……………………………..........                                                                     
      Warrant No. ………………………………………………………...Valid upto……………….       


Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan State Bharat Scouts & Guides
(Lucknow Division)
Date of Birth Certificate
(Over Writing  / Cutting will not be accepted)

            This is to certify that Master / Kumari ……………………………………………. S/o –D/o ………………………………………………is the student of Kendriya Vidyalaya………………………………….studying in class………………………in the year ……………and his / her date of birth is (in figures) ……………………………… (in words) ………………………………………………………............. as per vidyalaya record.
Date:                                       Office Seal                                          Sig. of the Principal

            The specimen of COH of ………………………………..Scout Troop / Guide Company of KV …………………………….met at (place) …………………………… (time)……………………….am/pm on (date) ……………………and resolved to recommend the Scout / Guide………………………………………………for the Tritiya Sopan Test-2014
Members                                 Signature                                             Sig. of the Chairman
1.                                                                                                         (Name of the Chairman)
2.                                                                                                         Date:
Signature of SM / GC                                                Signature of District Commissioner (S/G)

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